Why I'm "quitting" (offensive) security
When I interview for internships nowadays, one question that recruiters often ask me is "why not cybersecurity?". Funnily enough, I've stepped back from security since the start of this year, but many people still think I'm the "hacker" and competitive CTF player I used to be. Even my friends and family often ask me how things are going in the industry, and whether I'm still doing "hacking stuff".
How did we get here?
To give you a bit more context about myself, I discovered infosec 3 years ago when I was trying to get out of being sent to the infantry. As a Singaporean male, I had to serve in the army. It just so happened that there was a new scheme that allowed people to serve in "cybersecurity" units, and the prospect of spending my days in an air-conditioned office instead of in the middle of a jungle was very appealing to me.
So without any knowledge of security at all, I borrowed a textbook from my teacher at the time and did what I was good at as an A-level student: memorizing as much as I could a week before the exam. By a stroke of luck, I got in, and the rest was history.
My 18 year old self, who at the time was pretty sure he wanted to study Physics in university, probably wouldn't have believed that his next 3 years would see him in Las Vegas, Lausanne, Stockholm, and other places around the world competing in CTF competitions, meeting some of the most talented people in the industry, and spending countless hours in front of a computer screen instead of solving differential equations.

I went through some structured training in the army with an emphasis on blue teaming. Then I tried my hand at CTFs for the first time — it was brutal. I could solve maybe 1 or 2 basic challenges, but the rest of the time I just sat there being confused. But realising just how much I didn't know was something that hooked me in, and I played CTFs almost every weekend for the next few months. We even formed our own team, Social Engineering Experts, which in 2022 and 2023 was the top CTF team in Singapore.
Eventually I found my niche in web security. CTF trains you really well for source code review and exploit development, so I started poking around open source projects and eventually got credited for 15 CVEs, most of which were from my deep dive into HTTP request smuggling.
I also started doing bug bounties because among other things, it was fun to hack my own government. I was invited to three private time-bound programs organised by the Singapore government, and was ranked 1st (by "signal", or impact) in each one among global participants.

It was really fun. I ended up playing CTFs with Blue Water, with whom I won 2nd place at the DEF CON CTF in 2023. At some point, a teammate reached out to me and asked if I wanted to join Electrovolt, a security consultancy that was partnering with Cure53. I started doing some work with them on a freelance basis, whenever I had the time. The work has been super cool, working with some really talented people for really big clients. This was also around the time I started my internship with TikTok, where I was doing security research at scale.
The turning point
After some time trying to break everything I could get my hands on, I started to feel like I was just breaking things for the sake of breaking them. I was getting tired of the constant churn of finding bugs, writing reports, and moving on to the next target. I was tired of the constant pressure to be the best, to be the first, to be the most impactful.
But the biggest question, however, simply boiled down to: "why don't they just fix it? It's not that hard." I couldn't understand why teams would ignore important vulnerabilities, or when something is fixed only to be broken again in the next release. I couldn't understand why we were still finding the same classes of vulnerabilities that have been known for years. It's like playing whack-a-mole, but the moles are the size of elephants and there's only one hammer.
But no time to dwell on that too much, because I was starting university. I took this as an opportunity to take a step back from living and breathing security to enjoy life and explore other interests.
I didn't expect my first year at Cambridge to be this busy. To be honest, I spent most of the year thinking I was going to fail. Everyone else seemed to be doing so much better, and I was returning to a really difficult technical degree after years of not doing any math or theoretical computer science. Cambridge certainly has a way of making you feel like you're not good enough, because I ended up managing a first-class grade in the end.
I was still doing some CTFs (I started playing with the Cambridge team, cheriPI) and freelance work on the side, but there was just a lot more to try. I started doing hackathons and for the first time, I started thinking about what products people actually need.

A hackathon felt like a microcosm of a software shop. You have a team, a deadline, and a goal. No one cares about security when you're trying to get a product out the door.

How do we do good security, then?
I'm spending this summer at Open Government Products, where I now have much more time to think about how to solve security problems at scale, and in a way that lasts. I started to appreciate why security can be so hard, and why it's not just a matter of "just fixing it".
The truth is, security is hard because it's not just about fixing bugs. It's about fixing the process that led to the bug in the first place. The organisations that are having repeated security incidents are the ones that have a broken process, often because they grew too fast without thinking about security, and now they're playing catch-up. But it's hard to catch up when the processes you've put in place and the tools developers have gotten comfortable with need to be fundamentally changed.
Security is not prioritised enough because the cost of poor security is not immediately visible. It's hard to quantify the cost of a security incident that didn't happen, and it's hard to justify the cost of investing in security when you're not seeing any immediate benefits. There are no returns when investing in security, only losses when you don't.
And if the probability of an incident is low in the first place, then the expected cost of standing around doing nothing, waiting for an incident to happen, is lower than the cost of investing in security.
And when the cost of doing nothing is lower than the cost of investing in security, the rational decision is to do nothing.
So to do good security, you probably need to reduce the cost of security. This means making it easy to do the right thing: in Ross Anderson's Software and Security Engineering course, there was a lot of emphasis on making the secure thing the easiest, or the default, thing to do without compromising on usability.
That means building tools that developers actually want to use, or something so low-friction that they don't even realise they're using it. It means building security into the process from the start, and not as an afterthought.
I can never truly quit security
I don't think I can ever truly quit security. I still love doing it on the side with fun research projects and freelance pentesting work outside of my day job or school. Besides, how do you "quit" something so fundamentally important to everything else you might do in tech? But I'm ready to take a pause on popping shells all the time and start building things that last.
And there are so many things I take with me from my time in security. I've learnt how to think adversarially, which helps a lot in writing good software. I've learnt how to communicate complex ideas in a way that's easy to understand. I've picked up an attention to detail that I didn't have before. I've learnt how to learn.
I think this is probably a good balance. Doing security as both a hobby and a job is probably too much for me. I think the analogy "it's a marathon, not a sprint" is very apt here. Unfortunately I'm at that age where I need to be a bit more realistic about what I want in my career, and I need to know I will still enjoy what I'm doing 10 years down the line.
I'm still not entirely sure what I do want to do, but I know I've found a passion for being as close to the product as possible. I'm at my best when I work on meaningful problems that serve a clear purpose in the world and where I can clearly see the impact of my work.
This has been a long and quite personal post, and I don't want to enforce any particular message on anyone. I just re-made my personal site and decided it made sense to write my first post on where I'm at right now. Wherever you are at, I hope you're doing well, and I hope you're doing what you love!
Oh, and please remember to touch grass.